PAN Disability match photo


Jim Taylor

For the first time, Middlesex FA held their Pan Disability County Cup competition at their Rectory Park HQ.  The event, on Sunday last, 26th May, kicked off at 10.15 am, lasted for just over 3 hours and was a complete success. Despite a threatening weather forecast, the expected showers held off, the standard of football on display was very good and the organisation was impressive. The County Cups provided a fitting conclusion for the players, who had competed in the Pan Disability Leagues throughout the season.

The day’s events were organised by Daniel Perkins, the County FA’s Inclusion Development Officer. Dan was well supported on the day by members of the League committee, who very obviously share his dedication to the important roles which they are performing. Their energy and enthusiasm was infectious. They were Bradley Cox, Ashley Cunliffe and Rebecca Chapman (the County’s Designated Safeguarding Officer). They were joined by Mary Tryphona, an FA Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Ambassador, who was the Guest of Honour but who willingly pitched in to help with the tasks involved.

Other members of the League committee not present at these Cup finals but involved in their planning and organisation were Paul Griffin, Sammy El-Kashef and Kasha Petit. The day’s programme consisted of 3 separate mixed short-sided competitions, called the Premiership, the Championship and the League. The composition of these is based on ability. The matches were each of 2 halves of 6 minutes and were initially played on a group basis. 4 pitches were used simultaneously.


3 teams were involved, each scheduled to play each other twice, with the top 2 teams contesting the final. The results were:

Pro Touch SA SEN Red  2 Motspur Park CFC Football for Wellbeing  1
Motspur Park CFC Football for Wellbeing  Pro Touch SA SEN White  2
Pro Touch SA SEN White  Pro Touch SA SEN Red 
Motspur Park CFC Football for Wellbeing  Pro Touch SA SEN Red 
Pro Touch SA SEN White  Motspur Park CFC Football for Wellbeing 

The last scheduled group match, between the 2 Pro Touch SA SEN teams was unnecessary, because of the previous group results and those two teams contested the final.  

The result was Pro Touch SA SEN White 4 Pro Touch SA SEN Red 1

A goal for Pro Touch Red (Stripes) v Motspur Park

Action from Pro Touch Red (Stripes) v Motspur Park

Pro Touch White score in the Premier final v Pro Touch Red

The Premiership Cup Winners - Pro Touch White


6 teams were involved and they were divided into 2 groups, in which they played each other twice. The results were:

Group A:

Feltham Bees  Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow 
Basing Hill FC PAN  Feltham Bees 
Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow  Basing Hill FC PAN 
Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow  Feltham Bees 
Feltham Bees  Basing Hill FC PAN 
Basing Hill FC PAN  Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow 

Group winners: Basing Hill FC PAN (9 points) Runners Up: Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow (7 points)  

Action from Pro Touch Yellow v Basing Hill (Green)

Pro Touch Yellow score from the spot against Feltham Bees

Group B:

Whetstone Wanderers  Camden DFC 
QPR in the Community PARA  Whetstone Wanderers 
Camden DFC  QPR in the Community PARA 
Camden DFC  Whetstone Wanderers 
Whetstone Wanderers  QPR in the Community PARA 
QPR in the Community PARA  Camden DFC 

Group winners: Camden DFC (10 points) Runners Up: QPR in the Community PARA (5 points)

In the semi-finals the group winners played the runners up in the other group. The results were:

Basing Hill FC PAN  QPR in the Community PARA 
Camden DFC  Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow 

The result of the final was Camden DFC 2 Basing Hill FC PAN 0

Camden score in the Championship final against Basing Hill

The Championship Cup Winners - Camden


4 teams were involved, in a single group, playing each other once, with the top 2 contesting the final. The results were:

QPR Tiger Cubs  Junior Bees 
Community ConneX  Enfield Town FC 
QPR Tiger Cubs  Community ConneX 
Junior Bees  Enfield Town FC 
Community ConneX  Junior Bees 
Enfield Town FC  QPR Tiger Cubs 

Enfield Town FC and Junior Bees each finished on 7 points, with Enfield Town FC topping the group on goal difference. 

The result of the final was Enfield Town FC  4 Junior Bees 1

Community ConneX (Red) score against QPR Tiger Cubs

Enfield Town (Yellow) score against QPR Tiger Cubs

Enfield Town score against Junior Bees in the League final

The League Cup Winners - Enfield Town

The 4 referees made an essential contribution to the success of the event and are to be congratulated on their efforts.   They were each allocated to a specific competition, on the same pitch throughout the tournament.   Ben Lucas covered the Premiership on Pitch 1. Sarah Texter was on Championship Group A on Pitch 3 with Chris Conroy covering Group B on Pitch 4. Mark Worthington administered the League on Pitch 2. They all refereed admirably, with the light touch required for the occasion.

The Trophy presentation at the end of the day’s play also encompassed the end of season closing ceremony. In addition to the trophies and the individual mementoes awarded to the finalists and referees involved in the day’s County Cups, Mary Tryphona and Daniel also made the appropriate presentations to the season’s League winners and runners-up.  

They were: 

Premiership Winners: Pro Touch SA SEN White 

Runners Up: Ruislip Rangers (who were unable to attend)

Championship Winners: Pro Touch SA SEN Yellow   

Runners Up: Feltham Bees

The League teams play a series of friendly matches, throughout the season.

Report: Jim Taylor

Photography: Chris Benn